Therapeutic massage of the stomach is a universal approach to the treatment of many diseases of internal and external bodies.
Therapeutic massage of the belly is a massage-treatment of internal organs through the front wall of the abdomen. It has simultaneous effect by pressing acupuncture points in the abdominal cavity and integral organs, and some special pushing, smoothing and stretching massage movements are used.
Each shifted and diseased body organs, as a rule, has weakened nerve fibres and Vasospasm. As a result of insufficient oxygen, nutrients, venous and lymphatic stagnation, a weak outflow of metabolic products and development of pathogenic microflora, cells become self-toxic.
A diseased organ function is offset by other human bodies, they are starting to work with heavy loads at maximum capacity.
Therapeutic massage of the abdomen can eliminate the venous and lymphatic stagnation, leads to the normalization functions of these organs and restore the whole organism without usage or using small amounts of drugs. Massage of internal organs improves blood and lymph circulation, not only in themselves, but also in the chest, head, arms, legs. It allows you to remove “blockages” in the gut, relieve colon spasms, cope with chronic constipation that improves the appearance of skin, acne and acne disappear. The method is not only improving but has a cosmetic effect. Even cellulite can be treated. Massage is most often appointed at languid digestion and constipation, gastroptoze (drooping stomach), and it is effective for prevention of anterior abdominal wall hernias. The good effect of therapeutic massage is helpful in many gynecological diseases and problems of the menstrual cycle.