Swedish massage uses stroking and kneading techniques to enhance physical activity. However, all these techniques are carried out on a deeper level. The main emphasis in the session of Swedish massage is that the masseur uses rubbing techniques that allows a decrease in the density of tissues and muscle fibers. The aim of swedish massage is to increase joint mobility .
Thanks to this method, muscles and neurovascular bundles are stretched, and the compaction in the tissues are reduced.
At the end of treating of certain body parts or treatment zones the masseurin uses intensive three- line movements: trashing with the inner palm, hacking with the edge of the palm and nibbing with fingers, what speeds up the local blood circulation, relaxes and smoothes while muscle tone, relaxes the joints.
Swedish massage – is an energy massage, which is best done at daytime. If you want to relax before going to sleep or may even take a nap during the massage, it is better to choose an other type of massage.