Many women wonder whether or not pregnancy massage can be done and at what stage of pregnancy. This question can definitely be answered – you can and of course you need to! But not everything is so simple. There are several restrictions and conditions for massage. But everything is in order.
In a woman’s body, during pregnancy, various changes and metamorphoses occur. There is a change in the hormonal background, a change in the musculoskeletal system, an increase in breast size and a shift in the center of gravity of the body, an increase in the volume of circulating blood. As a result of the above changes, young mothers may experience tension in the back, neck-collar area, in the lumbar region, headaches often appear, swelling in the legs, sometimes even cramps, increased nervousness, anxiety and other uncomfortable sensations occur.
Almost all pregnant women, even during pregnancy without abnormalities, face these problems to one degree or another. A special massage for pregnant women can help solve these problems.
An important condition for massage for pregnancy is the timing of a safe massage. At the 12th week, the laying of the main organs and systems of vital activity in the fetus occurs, and the formation of the placenta is actually completed. It is from the 12-week period that the period begins when the level of threat of termination of pregnancy is minimal. We also recommend that you consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist before the first massage.