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45 min
9.900 HUF
60 min
10.900 HUF
75 min
11.900 HUF
90 min
13.900 HUF
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Massage is useful for everybody at any age (if there are no restrictions because of health reasons). Baby massage is especially important for children, because the tactile effect on the skin has a powerful tonic effect on the central nervous system and the formation of motor responses. Light stroking and patting of the skin of the child from the first weeks of life makes him positive emotions, so baby massage can be applied at an early age for perfectly healthy children and with special needs as well. Baby massage helps to include the mechanisms of regulation of all systems in the body.

Traditional Thai oil massage for children from 2 to 12 years uses low intensity and particularly soft technique. It has a beneficial effect on the physical and emotional condition of the child and a very positive effect on the immune, nervous, circulatory, endocrine, skeletal, digestive system of the body. The main effect of Thai oil massage is soothing.

Baby oil can be only applied during massage, because of their sensitive skin.

Our therapists during thai massage take into account the characteristics of each age of the children. Kids respond to massage in different ways. But if the kid does not want to let go of his parents, the mother or father may be close to her or him (we have a room where parent and child can have their massage together). And, of course teenagers can spend this procedure without the presence of parents in separated rooms as well.


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