Oil based on extracts of cocoa beans. This is an excellent skin moisturizer, has anti-cellulite effect and a lovely aroma. In addition, has excellent anti-stress properties that are more important. Chocolate contains a large number of physiologically active substances – theobromine and caffeine, that stimulates the nervous system.
Some kind of chocolate contains more polyphenols – catechins. These are powerful antioxidants, substances that drive out the the harmful radicals from the human body. Its quantity In cocoa butter are several times higher than in green tea, which until now was considered as the leader for the content of catechins (53 mg per 100 g to 14 mg per 100 ml).
Many girls and women dream of having a smooth elastic skin, so this gift will approach any representative of the fairer sex at any age!
Balanced selected ingredients of this massage oil have properties to normalize the work of the internal organs, relieve muscle tension, beneficially affect the nervous system, normalize blood circulation.
It consists of:
- Rice bran oil,
- Olive oil,
- Safflower seed oil- that reduces blood sugar and fatty acids in the body and contributes to slimming.
- The oil from the leaves of the sacred India Basilica that cheers you up, relieves stress and eliminates headaches, improves concentration. Basil leaves contain vitamin E, provitamin A, rutin. Just have a local anesthetic effect, relaxes the muscles and has antibacterial properties. Oil of basil has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract and is recommended for sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, viral influenza. Basil neutralizes poison insect bites, facilitates heavy fever in malaria. Oil of basil is able to reduce the amount of uric acid in the blood, so the pain disappears quicker from the muscles and relieves spasms and stimulates blood flow. Tones, refreshes swelling, flabby skin, reduces inflammation of the sebaceous glands.
- Macadamia oil – it is useful for arthritis, the risk of neoplastic diseases, stimulates blood circulation, used in the treatment of varicose veins, rosacea and cellulite. Macadamia oil is a unique antioxidant because of a substance resembling vegetable wax, which acts in the world of plants usually only in the form of a waxy coating that can not be collected.
Bouquet of tropical scents, tart and attractive. Activates the nervous system, improves muscle tone, has an invigorating effect, stimulates blood circulation. Its composition is very similar to the oil of a set of herbs described above, but has a more delicate flavor thanks to the flower oil Dork Piib.
It consists of:
- Rice bran oil,
- Safflower Seed Oil
- Macadamia oil
- Oil flower Dork Rib
- Eucalyptus oil – has antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, healing, antipyretic, krovoochistitelnym, deodorant (fragrant smell) and balsamic properties.
- Oil of lemon grass – is antiseptic, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, treats diseases of the respiratory tract, tones and refreshes, helps with muscle aches, dizziness, depression, weakness, nausea, stimulates metabolism, blood circulation, treats skin diseases, cellulite, remove excess fat.
- Lemon oil – has the ability to reduce blood pressure and stimulate the cardiovascular system, as well as form of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood. Lemon oil is able to restore the red blood cells and activate white blood cells that help prevent anemia and resist infections by strengthening the immune system. In addition, oil of lemon relieves headaches and joint pain, and has a calming effect. This is a great tool to fight obesity, it normalizes metabolism and burns fat.
Delicate flower from Thailand with a delicate aroma. Ylang-ylang is effective for balancing moisture and softness of the skin. Also reduces high blood pressure and normalizes the secretion of sebum.
It consists of:
- Rice bran oil,
- Safflower oil
- Makadimii nut oil,
- Vitamin E,
Ylang-ylang – has on the human psycho-emotional and antidepressant action and also has adaptogenic properties.
It is able to get rid of fears, mental anxiety and doubt, normalize sleep. Relieves emotional arousal and eliminates the asthenic-depressive states. The smell of ylang-ylang is a sense of confidence, serenity and even stimulates intuition and creativity.
Ylang-ylang can be used as an antiseptic, it possesses anticonvulsant and anti-sclerotic effect.
After Aroma oil massage, not only the positive and healing effect can be tested on your skin and body, but you will feel the improvement in mood and complete relaxation under the hands of our fine Balinese masters.
We wish you a pleasant stay!