The 4 hands relaxing massage is very common in the practice of ayurvedic massages and Ayurvedic therapy. Abhyanga massage is no exception. A 4 hands relaxing massage not only doubles the effect of the Abhyanga massage, but also acquires an even greater relaxing effect for the body and nervous system, eliminates insomnia, brings peace and a sense of harmony for body and mind. Two masseurs synchronously using smooth sliding movements and warm massage oil immerse the body and mind in a state of deepest relaxation. This massages enriches the entire body from top to bottom.
The 4 hands Abhyanga massage is a good choice for stress and anxiety so it’s got popularity and values in today’s society. As it is one of the best stress relievers, it is highly recommended for businesspersons.
- Conditions like fever, cold, diarrhea;
- Purulent inflammation;
- Allergic diseases of the skin, nails and hair;
- For any acute inflammation of the blood and lymph vessels;
- During chemotherapy;
- During Pregnancy;
- During menstrual cycle.