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1 day
80.500 HUF
3 day
156.000 HUF
5 day
271.000 HUF
You can buy a gift certificate online through the PayPal system, having previously selected the amount.

Please note that paying for a gift certificate does not reserve a date for your visit. The certificate is valid for 5 months from the date of purchase, and during this time you or the recipient can book a visit date through our website or by calling any of our contact numbers.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to anti-aging, focusing on the balance of mind, body and spirit to promote longevity and vitality. That is why here, at our spa, we use antioxidant-rich herbal oils, which, along with improving skin texture, possess healing properties. With treatments like Nasya and Shirodhara, we ensure that our anti-aging package will help you feel reborn, rejuvenating you from within.

  • Kumkumadi tailam or Kumkumadi oil is a famous Ayurvedic oil used for facial skin care. It improves complexion, reduces dark spots and pigmentation, moisturizes and hydrates.
  • Mukhalepam is a traditional Ayurvedic facial treatment that involves applying herbal pastes and masks to the face as part of skin care.
  • Padabhyanga restores vitality and energy, relieves stress, restores blood circulation, treats pain and relieves fatigue. The massage is carried out along the nadi channels through which “prana” – life energy flows.
  • Shirodhara also helps with sleep problems, relieves headaches and migraines, normalizes blood pressure, awakens creativity and naturally improves the mood, as it possesses anti-stress and anti-depressant properties.


1-Day program with a total duration of 4 hour 45 minutes

  1. Natural Ayurvedic body scrub and mask with wrap – 90 minutes
  2. Abhyanga + steam bath cabin “Bashpa” – 75 min (Chinese tea after treatment)
  3. Head massage with Shirodhara – 60 minutes
  4. Facial treatments – Mukhalepam – 60 min

At the end of the program – you can unwind with a plate of fresh fruit, chocolates, and Chinese tea; that you can choose from, provided several elite varieties.

The total price of the package 92.100 Ft is instead 80.500 Ft. (saving 11.600 Ft.)

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3-Day’s program with a total duration of 10 hours 30 minutes

1st day – 150 minutes

  1. Padabhyanga foot massage – 30 minutes
  2. Nasyam with kumkumadi tailam – 45 minutes
  3. Facial massage with kumkumadi tailam – 15 minutes
  4. Facial treatments – Mukhalepam – 60 minutes

2nd day 210 minutes

  1. Natural Ayurvedic body scrub and mask with wrap – 90 minutes
  2. Abhyanga + steam bath cabin “Bashpa” – 75 min (Chinese tea after treatment)
  3. Nasyam with kumkumadi tailam – 45 min

3rd day 270 minutes

  1. Padabhyanga foot massage – 30 minutes
  2. Abhyanga + steam bath cabin “Bashpa” – 75 minutes (Chinese tea after treatment)
  3. Nasyam with kumkumadi tailam – 45 minutes
  4. Head massage with Shirodhara – 60 minutes
  5. Facial treatment – Mukhalepam – 60 minutes

At the end of the program – you can unwind with a plate of fresh fruit, chocolates, and Chinese tea; that you can choose from, provided several elite varieties.

The total price of the package 177.900 Ft is instead 156.000 Ft. (saving 21.900 Ft.)

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5-Day’s program with a total duration of 17 hours 30 minutes

1st day – 150 minutes

  1. Padabhyanga foot massage – 30 minutes
  2. Nasyam with kumkumadi tailam – 45 minutes
  3. Facial massage with kumkumadi tailam – 15 minutes
  4. Facial treatment – Mukhalepam – 60 minutes

2nd day 210 minutes

  1. Abhyanga + steam bath cabin “Bashpa” – 75 minutes (Chinese tea after treatment)
  2. Nasyam with kumkumadi tailam – 45 minutes
  3. Facial treatment – Mukhalepam – 60 minutes
  4. Marma foot massage – 30 minutes

3rd day 225 minutes

  1. Natural Ayurvedic scrub and mask with wrap – 90 minutes
  2. Abhyanga + steam bath cabin “Bashpa” – 75 minutes (Chinese tea after treatment)
  3. Nasyam with kumkumadi tailam – 45 minutes
  4. Facial massage with kumkumadi tailam – 15 minutes

4th day 180 minutes

  1. Foot massage – Padabhyanga – 30 minutes
  2. Abhyanga + Bashpa steam cabin – 75 minutes (Chinese tea after treatment)
  3. Head massage with Shirodhara – 60 minutes
  4. Facial massage with kumkumadi tailam – 15 minutes

5th day 285 minutes

  1. Natural Ayurvedic body scrub and mask with wrap – 90 minutes
  2. Abhyanga + steam bath cabin “Bashpa” – 75 min (Chinese tea after treatment)
  3. Head massage with Shirodhara – 60 minutes
  4. Facial treatment – Mukhalepam – 60 minutes

At the end of the program – you can unwind with a plate of fresh fruit, chocolates, and Chinese tea; that you can choose from, provided several elite varieties.

The total price of the package 307.800 Ft is instead 271.000 Ft. (saving 36.800 Ft.)

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It is recommended that the longer programs, (3- and 5-day programs), are done within the frequency of every day or every other day. Of course, if this schedule is unrealistic for you at the moment, then other frequencies of visiting are also possible.


  •  Dull skin, fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, uneven skin tone, pigmentation, dry and dehydrated skin.
  • Fatigue, loss of strength, stress, mental exhaustion.


  • Allergies to certain herbs or ingredients.
  • Active eczema, psoriasis or severe acne should be addressed in advance.